Hotel Corallo in Marina Romea (RA)
Realization of the new Suite and Superior rooms at Hotel Corallo in Marina Romea (RA).
Realization of the new Suite and Superior rooms at Hotel Corallo in Marina Romea (RA).
Italcer S.p.A. SB | CF/P.IVA 00142060359
Accounting and Legal Head Office: Via Emilia Ovest 53/A – 42048 Rubiera (RE) – Italy | Tel.: +39 0522 625111
Sales Department and Showroom: Via Emilia Ponente 2070 – 48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) – Italy | Tel.: +39 0546 659 911 – Fax: +39 0546 656223 – Email: info@lafabbrica.it